Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands

Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands shows the distribution of all spent outputs flowed into exchange wallets according to its value.


Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands show the distribution of all spent outputs flowed into exchange wallets according to their value. Each colored band represents the total value of spent outcomes that flowed into exchanges that have a value within the denoted range. This indicator can be used to estimate the flow of capital into exchanges from whale and retail holders.

Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands=uinflow-utxostvalueuI(aivalueu<bi)\text{Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands}=\sum_{u \in \text{inflow-utxos}_t} \text{value}_u * \mathbb{I}(a_i \leq \text{value}_u < b_i)
\text{Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands(%)}=\frac{\sum_{u \in \text{inflow-utxos}_t} \text{value}_u * \mathbb{I}(a_i \leq \text{value}_u < b_i)}{\sum_{u \in \text{inflow-utxos}_t} \text{value}_{u}} * 100
[ai,bi)[0,0.01),[0.01,0.1),[0.1,1),[1,10),[10,100),[100,1k),[1k,10k),[10k,inf)[a_i, bi) \in [0, 0.01), [0.01, 0.1), [0.1, 1), [1, 10), [10, 100), [100, 1k), [1k, 10k), [10k, inf)



Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands

Each colored band represents the total value of spent outputs that flowed into exchanges, that have a value within the denoted range.

Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands (%)

Each colored band represents the ratio of the total value of spent outputs that flowed into exchanges, that have a value within the denoted range.


This indicator can be used to estimate the number of coins moved by whales and retail holders. As price rises/falls, it is advised to watch out for values in the Spent Output Value Bands to further gain insights on the market through analyzing its participants. Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands can provide information that is not notified by our alert telegram channel and provide details such as Multiple Whale Possibilities and Aggregated Retail Inflow.

Unlike UTXO Value Bands, Spent Output Value Bands focus on the UTXOs that were destroyed within the set metric window. With the help of Spent Output Value Bands, it is possible to pinpoint which sized UTXOs were destroyed in what amount. Using this knowledge, investors can correlate any price movement or changes in the network with the action of whales/retails' action precisely.

Different from regular Spent Output Value Band, Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Age Bands specifically screen spent output that relates to exchanges' wallets and thus provides powerful insights like those below

1) Targeting Specific Exchange Inflow's coins' feature (Whale/Retail)

For example, if a large inflow happened to Binance's Wallet, taking an interpretation from Exchange Inflow - Spent Output Value Bands (Binance) could indicate whether Whales/Retails' coins were accountable for most of the inflow. If drastic price movement was made after the inflow, it is reasonable to infer that " Whales/Retails deposited most of the inflow to the Binance and caused the price to drop/rise."

2) Keep track of only the whale/retails' coins' exchange inflow

By value itself

  • High value(Native Value) & Dominance(%) in certain Spent Output Value Bands - Mostly accountable for changes in the network

For example, if the UTXO Value Band of 1k to 10k has the greatest Spent Output Age Bands in terms of value or dominance, it could be interpreted that investors holding at least 1k to 10k are primarily accountable for any price movement or changes that occur in the exchange within a set metric window.