Stablecoin Exchange Flows/Indicators
Entry into Stablecoin data/indicators
How to look at indicators
This section identifies the lookout point for individual indicators. These indicators could be divided by their identity and their usefulness in trading. Each indicator utilized each feature of stablecoin, and put together, they cover multiple aspects and capture movements in stablecoin relatively precisely.
If you want to make use stablecoin feature by figuring out
1) How many stablecoins came out from or into the exchange
Checking the flow into the exchange is a great way to keep track of stablecoins that could be a medium to buy cryptocurrencies or liquidity of the derivative market
2) How many stablecoins are in the exchange
Checking the Stablecoin Reserve in exchange helps to measure buying power in the exchange.
3) How many stablecoin addresses or transactions are active or being made through the exchanges
Checking the active address count or transactions is a great way to determine how many addresses are participating in the movement in the price and find out the sentiment behind it.
4) Figuring out how buying power or liquidity in the market
To figure out the power balance between the BTC and Stablecoin by market cap
It is wise to look at each indicator according to the abovementioned number.
Note on Stablecoin Data Coverage
CryptoQuant offers on-chain data for stablecoins on ERC20 for Charts, Pro-Charts, Alerts, and API. The market cap of the stablecoins in all chains is available in the dashboard.
Last updated